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Book 4 - Reported Speech (Mixed Sentences)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My brother: "You shouldn't eat so much junk food."
My brother suggested that I shouldn't eat so much junk food.
My friend: "You should read this book."
My friend suggested that I should read that book.
My father: "I think you should start your own business"
My father suggested that I should start my own business.
She told him: "Stop making this noise."
She told him to stop making that noise.
He said: "I watched three films last week."
He said that he had watched three films the week before.
She said: "They are going to travel next week."
She said that they were going to travel the following week.
She advised him: "Don't go to bed so late."
She advised him not to go to bed so late.
She informed him: "You will start the job on Monday."
She informed him that he would start the job on Monday.
She told him: "I'm living in London."
She told him that she was living in London.
He asked her: "Do you need a new computer?"
He asked her if she needed a new computer.
She told her: "I have just finished work."
She told her that he had just finished work.
She asked him: "Can you play the guitar?"
She asked him if he could play the guitar.
She said to him: "I can't understand this."
She said to him that she couldn't understand that.
He asked her: "Are you going to call Tim?"
He asked her if she was going to call Tim.
He asked her: "Have you ever been sailing?"
He asked her if she had ever been sailing.
He asked her: "When will you make a decision?"
He asked her when she would make a decision.
He asked her: "Who do you work for?"
He asked her who she worked for.
She told him: "Stop worrying!"
She told him to stop worrying.
He told her: "Don't be late"
He told her not to be late.
He told her: "Try and relax a bit more."
He told her to try and relax a bit more.
She asked him: "Please, don't tell anyone."
She asked him not to tell anyone.
She told him: "Don't worry about it."
She told him not to worry about it.