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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ewan: "I don't like salad"
Ewan told me/said he didn't like salad
Anthony: "I didn't like the book"
Anthony told me/said he hadn't liked the book
Rose: "I didn't want to come to this coffee shop"
Rose said (that) she hadn't wanted to come to this coffee shop
My friends: "We can't hear you"
My friends told me/said they couldn't hear me
Julia: "I have lost my cellphone"
Julia told me/said she had lost her cellphone
Mr. Elliot: "I don't like watching football on TV"
Mr. Elliot told me/said he didn't like watching football on TV
Teacher: "I love teaching"
Teacher told me/said he loved teaching
Josh: "I'm doing mg homework"
Josh told me/said he was doing his homework
My friends: "We are visiting Jess"
My friends told me/ said they were visiting Jess
Laura: "There is some juice"
Laura told me/said there was some juice
Grandpa: "I'm hungry"
Grandpa told me/said he was hungry
My brother: "I feel ill"
My brother told me/said he felt ill
Dad: "You have to go to school"
Dad told me/said I had to go to school