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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When I was young we could arrive home late on weekends -----> When I was young we _____ arrive home on time on weekends
didn't have to
When I was at school students were obliged to sing the hymn before classes -----> When I was at school students _____ sing the hymn before classes
had to
Jamie wasn't able to skateboard when he was 4 -----> Jamie _____ skateboard when he was 4
Anna was able to sell her iPhone for a good price -----> Anna _____ sell her iPhone for a good price
In my previous school it wasn't necessary to wear uniform -----> We _____ to wear uniform in my previous school
didin't have to
Charlie didn't need to do homework when he was a child -----> Charlie _____ do homework when he was a child
didn't have to
William couldn't borrow a book with his old library card. He needed to renew it -----> William _____ his library card
had to
It wasn't necessary to park outside school last year -----> I _____ park outside school last year
didn't have to
The goalkeeper was not able to play well at the game -----> The goalkeeper _____ play well at the game
I was able to swim underwater when I was 8 -----> I _____ swim under water when I was 8
It was possible for Judy to carry all the groceries -----> Judy _____ carry all the groceries
Mary was obliged to study Science everyday last month -----> Mary _____ study Science everyday last month
had to