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Past Perfect 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You _____ (not study) for the test, so you _____ (be) very nervous.
hadn't studied, were
He _____ (not use) email before, so I _____ (show) him how to use it.
hadn't used, showed
When I _____ (arrive) at the cinema, the film _____ (start).
arrived, had started
She _____ (tell) me that she _____ (study) a lot before the exam.
told, had studied
We _____ (be) late for the plane because we _____ (forget) our passports.
were, had forgotten
My cellphone _____ (not be) on my bag and I _____ (can / not) remember where I _____ (put) it.
wasn't, couldn't, had put
Julie _____ (not arrive) until after I _____ (leave).
didn't arrive, had left
I _____ (begin) looking for the letter that I ____ (write) on a piece of paper.
began, had written
He _____ (meet) her before somewhere.
had met
If you _____ (listen) to me, you would have _____ (get) the job
had listened, gotten/got
I _____ (decide) to finish the book I _____ (start) reading a few weeks before.
decided, had started
After they _____ (eat) the shellfish, they _____ (begin) to feel sick.
had eaten, began
When we _____ (finish) dinner, we _____ (go) out.
had finished, went
Before I _____ (go) to Rio de Janeiro I _____ (never / be) to any beaches.
went, had never been
I _____ (not have) breakfast when he _____ (arrive).
hadn't had, arrived
She _____ (live) in China before she _____ (go) to Thailand
had lived, went