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Community Helpers Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A grocery store is where you can get _________. (goods or services)
A grocery store is where you can get goods.
A bakery is where you can get _________. (goods or services)
A bakery is where you can get goods.
A car wash is where they provide ____________. (goods or services)
A car wash is where they provide services and goods.
A pizzeria is where you can get _____________. (goods or services)
A pizzeria is where you can get goods and services.
A baber shop is a __________. (good or service)
A baber shop is a service.
Toys are a ___________. (need or want)
Toys are a want.
Food is a ______________. (need or want)
Food is a need.
A home is a ______________. (need or want)
A home is a need.
A TV is a _________________. (need or want)
A TV is a want.
A __________ ___________ in a _____________.
A doctor works in a hospital
A ___________ __________ ____________.
A vet cures animals.
A ________________ _____________ a __________ __________.
A firefighter drives a fire engine.
A __________ ___________ in a _____________.
A teacher works in a school.
A ____________ __________ in a ______________.
A teacher teaches in a classroom.
A _____________ worker __________ a ___________ __________.
A Sanitation worker drives a garbage truck.
A ____________ worker ________ up __________.
A sanitation worker picks up trash.
A ____________ _______________ in a ___________.
A farmer lives in a farm.
A _______________ ___________ a _______________.
A farmer drives a tractor.
A ______________ _____________ in a ________________.
A firefighter works in a fire station.
A __________ ___________ __________.
A doctor prescribes medicine.
A police officer _____________ in a ____________.
A police officer works in a police station.