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Halloween Figurative Language

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"You're a monster"
Someone who is out of control, ex: The kids were running around screaming, their mom said "they are a bunch of monsters today".
"Makes my skin crawl"
Creeps you out or makes you uncomfortable, ex: It makes my skin crawl when people crunch ice cubes.
"Pale as a ghost"
Very white looking, lost color, ex: I looked pale as a ghost when I got my flu shot.
"Come back to haunt you"
Something that resurfaces as a problem or challenge, ex: All that homework I didn't turn in came back to haunt me when report cards came out.
"Scaredy pants"
Scared easily, ex: My sister is a scaredy pants when it comes to haunted houses.
"Dead ringer"
Person of thing that seems exactly like something else, ex: My daughter is a dead ringer of her dad when he was her age.
"Dead tired"
Exhausted, very tired, ex: All of my teachers look dead tired.
"Stop dead in their tracks"
To freeze or not move, ex: I stopped dead in my tracks when I walked outside for lunch and saw Billie Eilish came to our school.
"Dead center"
The very center of something, ex: The water balloon hit in the dead center of my face.
"Stick a knife in it"
To finish it off, ex: I was doing my homework at the kitchen table, at 6:30 mom said "stick a knife in it".
"Smell a rat"
To think someone is not honest or who they say they are, ex: The mobster in the movie said "I smell a rat" after the police busted them.
"Out for blood"
Very competitive or determined, ex: The defending champs were out for blood this season.
"Witch hunt"
Looking for something that isn't real, ex: The neighbors were on a witch hunt for vandals...only to discover it was raccoons.
"Weirded out"
To be creeped out or feel uncomfortable, ex: He was weirded out that the girl he just met knew all about him from his Instagram.
"Night owl"
Someone who likes staying up late at night, ex: My husband is a night owl and often stays up past midnight.
"Scared stiff"
Very scared, ex: When she saw the lion outside of it's cage she was scared stiff.
"Out of my mind"
The feeling of going "crazy", ex:I'm going out of my mind with all the papers I need to grade.
"Drop dead"
To not like someone or not care about them, ex: She told the guy making fun of her to "drop dead".
"Makes my blood boil"
Something that makes you very angry, ex: bullies make my blood boil.
"Cold blooded"
Evil, ex: it was a cold blooded crime
"Stabbed in the back"
Betrayed by someone, ex: She stabbed me in the back when she told everyone my secret.
"Stabbed in the back"
Betrayed by someone, ex: She stabbed me in the back when she told everyone my secret.
"Scared the pants off me"
To be really scared, ex: the clown in the haunted house really scared the pants off me.
"A ghost town"
A place that is abandoned or empty, ex: the mall was a ghost town when I got off work at midnight.
"Over my dead body"
Something that will never happen, ex: My student asked if she could drive my car and I said "over my dead body"
"Skeleton in the closet"
To have a secret. ex: Jim has a skeleton in his closet.