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Election Day

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讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛 砖转讜爪讗讜转 讛讘讞讬专讜转 讬住驻讬拽讜 诇讘谞讬转 诪诪砖诇讛 讬爪讬讘讛
I hope the election results will be enough to build a stable government
讗谞讬 诪拽讘诇 10 讛讜讚注讜转 讘讬讜诐 诪诪驻诇讙讜转
I get 10 TEXT messages a day from parties
讗讞讜讝 讛讛爪讘注讛 讬讛讬讛 谞诪讜讱 诪70
The percentage of voting will be lower than 70
讛专讘讛 拽讜诇讜转 讛爪讘注讛 谞讝专拽讬诐
A lot of votes are thrown away
讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛 砖诇讗 讬讛讬讜 讘讞讬专讜转 谞讜住驻讜转 讘拽专讜讘
I hope there won't be another election soon
砖讬讟转 讛讘讞讬专讜转 爪专讬讻讛 诇讛砖转谞讜转
The election system needs to change
讗谞砖讬诐 谞讜讟讬诐 诇讛爪讘讬注 诇诪讜注诪讚 砖讛诐 诪讞讘讘讬诐
People tend to vote for the candidate they like
讗谞讬 诇讗 诪转讞讘专 注诐 讗祝 讗讞讚 诪讛诪讜注诪讚讬诐
I am not connecting with any of the candidates
讘拽专讜讘 讬讛讬讜 讘讞讬专讜转 谞讜住驻讜转
There will be more elections soon
讛住拽专讬诐 爪讜驻讬诐 转讬拽讜
The polls predict a draw
讟专诐 讛讞诇讟转讬 诇诪讬 讗爪讘讬注聽
I have not yet decided who I will vote for
诇诪讛 讬砖 讗爪诇谞讜 讙诐 谞砖讬讗 讜讙诐 专讗砖 诪诪砖诇讛
Why do we have both a president and a prime minister?
讗谞讬 诪转诇讘讟 讘诪讬 诇讘讞讜专 讛驻注诐
I'm debating who to choose this time
讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛 砖讬讜讻诇讜 诇讛专讻讬讘 诪诪砖诇讛 讛驻注诐
I hope they can form a government this time
砖诪转讬 讗转 讛驻转拽 砖诇讬 讘拽讜驻住讗转 讛讛爪讘注讛
I put my ballot in the ballot box
讙讜 讘讬讬讚谉 讛讜讗 谞砖讬讗 讘讬谞讜谞讬 讘讬讜转专
Joe Biden is a very mediocre presidnt
讗讬谞讬 诪讘讬谉 讗转 讛讗谞砖讬诐 砖诇讗 诪爪讘讬注讬 讻诇诇
I don't understand the people who don't vote at all
讚讜谞诇讚 讛讬讛 谞砖讬讗 讙专讜注 诇讗专讛"讘 讗讘诇 诪讜爪诇讞 诇讬砖专讗诇
Donald was a bad president for the USA but a good one for Israel
讗谞讬 诇讗 住讜讘诇 讗祝 讗讞讚 诪讛诪讜注诪讚讬诐聽
I can't stand any of the candidates
讘讗专讛"讘 讛讘讞讬专讜转 转诪讬讚 讘谞讜讘诪讘专
In the US the elections are always in November
讛住拽专讬诐 诪谞讘讗讬诐 转讜爪讗讛 爪诪讜讚讛
The polls predict a close result
讛讬讜诐 讛驻讜诇讬讟拽讗讬诐 讗讬谞诐 诪谞讛讬讙讬诐
Today's politicians are not leaders
讛砖讬讟讛 讘讗专讛"讘 讟讜讘转 讬讜转专
The US method is better
讬砖 讛专讘讛 诪爪讘讬注讬诐 砖诪讞诇讬讟讬诐 讘专讙注 讛讗讞专讜谉
There are many voters who decide at the last minute
诪转讬 讗转讛 谞讜讛讙 诇讛爪讘讬注 ?
When do you usually vote?