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Money Management

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What will you buy for the 11.11 SHOPEE SALE?
Do you save money?
What's worth more? Getting double your money every day for 30 days (starting from $0.01), or $1 MILLION?
Double your money every day for 30 days! ($5,368,709.12)
Is this worth less than $50,000 or more?
Is this worth less than $50,000 or more?
It depends!
Is this worth less than $50,000 or more?
Is this worth less than $50,000 or more?
Is this worth less than $50,000 or more?
I never leave a balance on my credit card. I..
I always pay my credit card bills in full!
I always put money in my bank account. I...
I save regularly!
I write down every purchase I make! I...
I keep track of my expenses
I don't spend more than what I make! I..
I live within my means!
I never save money! Every month, I...
I live paycheck to paycheck!
I don't pay attention to how I spend my money! I..
I don't know where the money goes!
I spend more than what I make! I..
I live beyond my means!
I owe so much money to the banks! I'm...
I'm drowning in debt!