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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"She hangs out with her friends at the mall." - What's the phrasal verb?
hangs out
"I had fun last night. My friends came over and we watched a movie." - What's the phrasal verb?
came over
"Do you know what time the plane takes off?" - What's the phrasal verb?
takes off
"I can't come tonight. I'm still getting over a cold." - What's the phrasal verb?
getting over
"have a good relationship, be friendly (with someone)" - a) show up - b) get along - c) keep on
b) get along
"stop (doing something)" - a) give up - b) set off - c) end up
a) give up
"arrive or appear at a place (usually late or unexpectedly)" - a) get along - b) end up - c) show up
c) show up
"get information or learn about (something new)" - a) keep on - b) find out - c) set off
b) find out
"start doing (an activity)" - a) take up - b) end up - c) find out
a) take up
"continue, not stop" - a) show up - b) get along - c) keep on
c) keep on
"finally be in a situation or place (after some time or effort)" - a) keep on - b) end up - c) take up
b) end up
"begin a journey or trip" - a) set off - b) give up - c) end up
a) set off