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8th grade, revision

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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ułóż zdanie (z kontekstem) z wyrazem: scruffy
My room is scruffy. I don't like tidying it.
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: Twice a week.
How often do you take out the rubbish?
Przetłumacz: Chodzę do toalety co pół godziny.
I go to the toilet every half an hour/every thirty minutes.
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: At 8 pm.
What time do you have dinner?
trzy razy w miesiÄ…cu
three times a month
dwa razy w roku
twice a year
raz dziennie
once a day
What pollutes cities?
Cars and fumes from chimneys.
How can you spend your time outdoors?
You can play football or walk the dog.
the opposite of: tiny
Siblings are your...
brothers and sisters
A three-generation family consists of ...
children, parents and grandparents
It's impossible...
to be invisible
I'm jealous
of my boyfriend
I'm exhausted ...
after PE class
I'm disappointed when...
my friends don't keep secrets.
I'm embarrassed when ...
I make a mistake.
Sunday afternoons make me feel...
When I can't find my phone, I feel...
Exams make me feel...
When I'm happy...
I smile a lot.
My parents are worried when...
I'm out the whole evening.
I get angry when...
I fight with my siblings.
My great-grandmother ... 80 when she died.
My dad ..... 40 years old.
Poproś rozmówcę o przeliterowanie nazwiskA.
Can you spell your surname? How do you spell your surname?
Jak zapytasz o wiek siostry Twojego kolegi?
How old is your sister?
Jakie padło pytanie? B: He can be really stubborn at times but I like that in him.
What is he like?
Jakie padło pytanie? B: She's medium-height and really skinny.
What does she look like?
Answer: Are you into music?
Yes, especially pop.
Jakie padło pytanie? B: I'm OK, how about you?
How are you?
Answer: What are you afraid of?
I'm afraid of spiders and rats.
Odpowiedz: How is your sister?
She's fine, thanks.
Odpowiedz: What does your sister look like?
She's tall and she has fair curly hair.
Odpowiedz: What does your sister like?
e.g. She likes swimming and dancing.
Odpowiedz: What is your sister like?
She's sociable and generous.
Odpowiedz: What are you like?
I am kind but stubborn.
Odpowiedz: What do you like?
I like ...
Odpowiedz na pytanie: What do you look like?
I am....I have...
Odpowiedz na pytanie: Whose phone is it?
Odpowiedz: Where are you going tomorrow?
Odpowiedz na pytanie: Why did you cry yesterday?
Odpowiedz na pytanie: Whose laptop did you use?
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: In Wrocław.
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: B: She's nineteen.
A: How old is ...?
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: Because I don't have a watch.
Why are you always late?
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: Around 15.
How many...?
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: B: The gold one.
Which one do you want?
Zadaj pytanie do odpowiedzi: B: I was born in 2010.
When were you born?
A:...idea was it? B: Mine.
A: ... is that girl over there? B: She's my aunt.
A:...you last visit your grandma? B: On Monday.
A: ... is my smartphone? B: I've seen in on your desk.
A: ...............are you going to do tonight? Nothing special.