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"One flew over the cuckoo's nest" movie

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How many academy awards did the film win?
Who wrote the novel "one flew over the cuckoo's nest" 1962 ?
Ken Kesey's
What facility was McMurphy first staying at ?
at a work-farm prison
Where did the work-farm prison sent McMurphy to?
Oregon insane asylum for evaluation
Who runs the Oregon insane asylum for evaluation?
Nurse Ratched
What did Mr.Harding suspect his wife doing ?
What sport does McMurphy try to teach the Chief?
What was the purpose for the vote between the patients ?
to change the schedule in order to watch the World Series game
After the fishing trip incident the committee want to send MCMurphy back to the work-farm. Who wanted to keep him at the hospital?
Nurse Ratched
What secret was the Chief keeping ?
his not deaf, he can speak
What brides did McMurpy give Orderly Turkle to let hiss friends in the hospital?
Who did Billy have an affair with ?
Who did nurse Ratched threaten to tell about Billy's affair?
his mother
When the Chief realized that R.P. McMurphy was turned into the equivalent of a vegetable, what did he do to him?
he strangled him with a pillow
Who escaped through the broken window to freedom?
Who plays McMurhy in the film?
Jack Nicholson
What is Dr Spivey holding in the photo on his desk?
A 30 pound fish
What Chief Bromden is alleged to be?
deaf and mute
What do the men in the ward vote on?
watching the world series
What image is on McMurphy's playing card?
a naked woman
Why does Billy Bibbit kill himself?
Nurse Ratched shames him and threatens that she will tell Billy's mother that he slept with Candy
What does McMurphy tell the man who catches them stealing the boat from the docks?
the truth that they are all from a mental hospital.
When Nurse Ratched will not turn on the World Series, what does McMurphy do?
He pretends to be watching the world series on TV
What does the Chief tell McMurphy about his father?
that society repressed him and tirned him into an alcoholic
How does McMurphy climb the fence to steal the bus?
the Chief lifts him up
What is Nurse Ratched's personal connection to Billy?
Billy's mother is her friend
What team sport does McMurphy teach the men to play?
Why does Bromden fool people into thinking that he's deaf and dumb?
In order to stay unnoticed. Also, people say things in front of him that he shouldn't necessarily know.
What does Bancini repeatedly complain about?
Being tired.
What does McMurphy win from the other patients when they play cards?
Hundreds of cigarettes. However, he allows them to win the cigarettes back.
Who knows that Bromden is not really deaf?
At first, why do none of the patients vote to watch the World Series?
They are afraid of the repercussions from Ratched.
Is R.P. McMurphy crazy?
Is Chief mentally ill?
Nurse Ratched opposes the patients' request to watch TV because
this would upset the schedule
The character that stutters when he talks is
Billy Bibbit
Who decides ultimately when the patients can leave?
Nurse Ratched
Why does the chief kill McMurphy at the end of the film?
Because McMurhy is not sane anymore and the Chief doesn't want him to suffer.
What is the real message of the film?
The triumph of the human spirit
Why is the Chief's speech about his father important?
Because it warns McMurphy about what society can do to man