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Where do... ? (part 2)

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where do you keep your money?
I keep my money in a bank.
Where do you read many interesting stories?
I read many interesting stories in the book.
Where do you see many stars at night?
I see many stars in the sky at night.
Where do you swim during summer holidays?
I swim in the river during summer holidays.
Where do you spend time fishing?
I spend time fishing in the lake.
Where do you go to gather mushrooms?
I go to gather mushrooms in the forest.
Where do you eat out?
I eat out in the restaurant.
Where do you spend your time with friends?
I spend my time with friends in the playground.
Where do you learn different subjects?
I learn different subjects in a school.
Where do you watch animals?
I watch animals in a zoo.
Where do you watch films?
I watch films in a movie theatre.
Where do you read books?
I read books in a library.
Where do you buy fruits and vegetables?
I buy fruits and vegetables in a market.
Where do you buy many things?
I buy many things in a department store.
Where do sick people get help?
They get help in a hospital.
Where do you catch an airplane?
I catch an airplane in a airport.
Where do you catch a train?
I catch a train in a train station.
Where do you catch a bus?
I catch a bus in a bus station.
Where do you get gas?
I get it in a gas station.
Where do firefighters work?
They work in a fire station.
Where do police officers work?
They work in a police station.