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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Why does it seem to Vic that Ingrid is later than she is?" - a) because he's early - b) because he's too anxious - c) because he's excited - e) none of the answers - d) all of the answers except E
d) all of the answers except E
"Why does Vic want 'to jump up and shout'?" TRUE OR FALSE - "Because Ingrid has agreed to go to the shopping mall with him."
FALSE - Because Ingrid has agreed to go to the MUSICAL with him
"What 2 things does Vic say to Ingrid that aren't really true?" - a) the musical sucks and he wasn't going to see it - b) the musical is really good and he wants to see it that week.
b) the musical is really good and he wants to see it next week.
"What is Vic thinking about as the bus approaches the station?" TRUE OR FALSE - "He's thinking about how to ask her out."
"What does Ingrid talk about as she and Vic walk to the bus stop?" - a) people who work at Whittaker’s - b) people who don't work at Whittaker’s.
a) people who work at Whittaker’s
"talking a long time about not very important things." - a) scandal - b) chattering - c) whiff
b) chattering
"going very, very fast." - a) tearing - b) That makes us quits - c) make it
a) tearing
"a slight smell." - a) chattering - b) tearing - c) whiff
c) whiff
"someone who does drawings of machines, new buildings, etc." - a) whiff - b) drafter - c) make it
b) drafter
"be available (to meet or to do something)." - a) make it - b) fib - c) chattering
a) make it
"things about other people that are shocking." - a) whiff - b) drafter - c) scandal
c) scandal
"agreeing that no one owes anything to another person." - a) make it - b) That makes us quits - c) tearing
b) That makes us quits.
"a lie; something someone says that's not true." - a) fib - b) scandal - c) whiff
a) fib