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Comparative adjectives

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make two sentences to compare the two people.
The witch is uglier than the princess. The princess is more beautiful /prettier than the witch. The princess younger than the witch.
Finish the sentence, use the adjective 'heavy'. The apple is ______________________________
The apple is heavier than the carrot.
Finish the sentence, use the adjective 'expensive'. The diamond ring is _______________________________
The diamond ring is more expensive than the plastic ring.
Finish the sentence, use the adjective 'noisy'. A city is ____________________________________
A city is noisier than a village.
Finish the sentence, use the adjective 'dangerous'. Rock climbing is ________________________
Rock climbing is more dangerous than golf.
Eating fruit is _______ _______ eating fast food. (healthy)
Eating fruit is healthier than eating fast food.
The motorbike is _________ ________ the car. (cheap)
The motorbike is cheaper than the car.
The car is _______ _______ _______ the motorbike. (expensive)
The car is more expensive than the motorbike.
A dolphin is ______ _______ ______ a fish. (intelligent)
A dolphin is more intelligent than a fish.
A cat is __________ than a horse.
A giraffe is _______ ______ a horse. (tall)
A giraffe is taller than a horse.
A mouse is _________ ______ a dog. (small)
A mouse is smaller than a dog.
The monkey is taller / sadder / smaller than the lion.
The monkey is smaller than the lion.
The girl's hair is _________ _____ the boy's hair.
The girl's hair is longer than the boy's hair.
John is older / taller / younger than his grandma.
John is younger than his grandma.
Make a sentence to compare the boy and the girl.
The girl is cleaner than the boy. OR The boy is dirtier than the girl.
Make a sentence to compare the two girls.
The girl in the red dress is sadder than the girl in the green dress. OR The girl in the green dress is happier than the girl in the red dress.
The giraffe is _________ _____ the boy.
The giraffe is taller than the boy.
The purple dinosaur is __________ _____ the green dinosaur.
The purple dinosaur is smaller than the green dinosaur.
The snake is ____________ than the crocodile.
The snake is shorter than the crocodile.
The man is older / younger / cleaner than the children.
The man is older than the children.
The boy is smaller / dirtier / cleaner than the girl.
The boy is dirtier than the girl.
The girl is __________ ______ the boy.
The girl is sadder than the boy.
The elephant is _________ ______ the mouse.
The elephant is bigger than the mouse.