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How's the weather

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What shape is this?
What shape is this?
What is this?
What is this bug?
Where do we put our trash?
What do you call this?
How does this help the plant stand?
What is this on the tree?
What do plants make for us?
What can we do to help the earth?
recycle bottle/paper/plastic
I'm so wet. I should wear my raincoat. How's the weather?
It's rainy.
What is this?
It's a raincoat.
The leaves are moving and it's cold out. I should wear my jumper. How's the weather?
It's windy!
What is this?
It's a sweater/jumper.
My hands are very cold. I wear this to build a snowman. How's the weather?
It's snowy!
What are these?
Can you find another Short O like hot?
pop - mop - stop
What is it?
It's a swimsuit.
It's very wet outside. I should wear my boots. How's the weather?
It's rainy!
Can you find another short a like hat?
mat - cat - bat - that
Is it snowy today?
No it isn't. It's windy!
How's the weather today?
It's windy today!
Is it cloudy today?
No it isn't. It's snowy!
How's the weather today?
It's snowy!
Is it snowy today?
No it isn't. It's cloudy.
How's the weather today?
It's cloudy
Is it windy today?
No it isn't. It's rainy.
How's the weather?
It's rainy.
Is it rainy?
No it isn't. It's sunny
How's the weather today?
It's sunny today.