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Essay Writing Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name an acronym that might help you to organize your body paragraphs
Give an example of something that could be used as a hook in an essay
Rhetorical questions, statistics, an interesting fact, a bold statement.
Should you include your personal stories/experiences in an argumentative essay?
WHY do you need to include a counterclaim?
To show that you have thought out both sides and can acknowledge at least one valid point from the other side.
Which pronouns should NEVER be used in an academic essay?
personal pronouns (I, me, we, you, etc.)
What comes immediately after the hook in an introductory paragraph?
Background information
From which point of view should your essay be written?
Third person
How many paragraphs are in an argumentative essay?
Is it okay to use a yes/no question as a hook?
Absolutely not. Get out of that habit.
You have a tool on GoogleDocs that will help you find mistakes while proofreading. What is that tool?
Spell check
After you finish writing your essay, what should you do before turning it in?
What is the last paragraph in an essay called?
The conclusion
In the counter-claim paragraph, what do you call the part where you go back to defending your side?
The rebuttal
Does every body paragraph need to include text evidence?
What do you call the first sentence of a body paragraph?
The topic sentence
What comes at the end of your introductory paragraph?
The thesis/claim
What do you call the paragraph that addresses the other side of the argument?
The counter-claim
When you use text evidence from an article or other source, do you always have to cite it?
What is the purpose of the hook?
To grab your reader's attention
What is the first sentence of an essay called?
The hook