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5B Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which word means: "Believing that very good things can be achieved, even when this does not seem likely to other people." A) Idealistic B) Realistic C) Ambitious D) Achievable
A) Idealistic
How can we all play our part in making the world a better place? Name 3 activities.
"Pick up rubbish, raise money for charity, donate goods (food/clothes/toys), help others, grow food, run campaigns, volunteer, increase awareness..."
Which collocation means: "A large group of many insects" A ___________ of insects
Finish the collocation: __(verb)___ a punch
Throw, take
Which word means: "To convince or cause someone to do something." A) Resist B) Persuade C) Suggest D) Request
B) Persuade
Finish the collocation: "______ money" A) join B) go on C)take part in D) donate
D) Donate money
Finish the collocation from 5B: Random _____ of kindness
Which word from 5B means: "Showing selfless concern for other people; doing the right thing regardless of how it helps yourself."
Which word from 5B means: "Benefiting both sides in a situation."
Which word from 5B means: "The most basic, local level of an activity or organisation."
Finish the collocation from 5B: _________ an issue
Address, Tackle
Finish the collocation from 5B: ______ an impact
Make, Have
Finish the collocation from 5B: _____ campaigns
Launch, Run
Finish the collocation from 5B: _________ _________ change
Bring about, Contribute to
Finish the collocation from 5B: _______ our part
Play, Do
Finish the collocation from 5B: _________ awareness
Raise, Increase