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Would You Rather

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Would you rather give a speech in front of the nation or a solo song of Gangnam style in front of the school
Good choice?
Would you rather have a mean teacher, nurse or principal?
Good choice?
Would you rather visit Hawaii or Japan?
Good choice?
Would you rather go on a mystery vacation first class or go to Disneyland in a 5 day train ride?
Good choice?
Would you rather live with without internet or live without heating/airconditioning?
Good choice?
Would you rather win 10,000 euros for sure or flip a coin for 50,000 euros?
Good choice?
Would you rather date someone way older than you or way shorter than you?
Good choice?
Would you rather be famous on Instagram or Tiktok?
Good choice?
Would you rather work in fast food or at a call center?
Good choice?
Would you rather be a famous detective or a famous inventor?
Good choice?
Would you rather accidently step on a snakes tail or a lions tail?
Good choice?
Would you rather have a tarantula live on your head or fight a tiger?
Good choice?
Would you rather clean the house every day or go to school for the rest of your life?
Good choice?
Would you rather have a bad haircut or an embarrassing t-shirt for life?
Good choice?
Would you rather always be tired or always be hungry?
Good choice?
Would you rather live without Facebook or Youtube?
Good choice?
Would you prefer to grow fish scales or grow a coat of fur.
Good choice?
Would you rather play a board game or be in a reality show?
Did you choose wisely?
Would you rather be Superman or Spiderman?
Good choice!
Would you rather fly or be super fast?
Good answer!
Would you rather have a robot or a spaceship?
Good choice?
Would you rather find gold at the end of a rainbow or sunken treasure?
Choose wisely!
Would you rather have sunburn or get stung by a jelly fish?
Choose Wisely!
Would you rather live on a boat or in a tree house?