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G2 Science Chapter 1 Lesson 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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WHERE do plants make MOST OF their food?
They make most of it in their LEAVES.
What are MINERALS?
They're BITS of rock and soil that HELP plants GROW.
What do LEAVES do for a plant?
They TAKE IN sunlight and air. They MAKE food. They PUSH OUT extra water.
What does the STEM do for a plant?
It HOLDS UP the plant. It MOVES water and food THROUGH the plant. Leaves GROW OFF it.
What do ROOTS do for a plant?
They KEEP the plant IN the soil. They TAKE IN (absorb) water and minerals. They STORE food.
Name ONE fruit/vegetable that grows UNDER the soil and ONE that grows OVER.
Wow, you really know your stuff! / Sorry, we were looking for things like...
What is SOIL? Tell us something about it.
It's DIRT. Plants grow in it. It has water and minerals in it.
What 3 plant PARTS do they use to make FOOD?
They use ROOTS, a STEM, and LEAVES to make food.
What do ALL living things NEED to LIVE? (Name 3)
Food, water, air, sun, space.
About HOW LONG does it take for a sunflower to grow into an adult?
About 80 days. (OR: three months, OR: most of the summer)
What does it mean to be ALIVE / LIVING?
It means that you CHANGE, GROW, and need food and water.