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Does Your Teacher...?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does your teacher like more: chocolate or candy?
Chocolate for the win!
What alarm tone do you think your teacher uses?
Something Loud! 
If a movie was made about your teacher, what actor/actress would play them?
The Academy Award goes too...  No idea
What is your teacher scared of?
Bees? Tornados? Tornados for sure!
Can your teacher swim?
Yes, yes, yes!
What subject did your teacher hate in school?
Math? English? Math for sure.
What was your teacher's favorite subject in school?
A+ English
What is your teacher's favorite color?
Blue - Did you know?
What will your teacher answer: winter or summer?
Wow! Winter all the way
Does your teacher like chocolate cake?
I prefer others!
What did your teacher eat for dinner last night?
Hamburgers and fries
What will your teacher eat for lunch today?
Hands off! Cheese and Crackers
Is your teacher's computer screen clean?
Don't touch the glass!
Does your teacher drink enough water everyday?
Yes !!
Is your teacher an early bird or a night owl?
Neither - I'm not awake until at least 8:00. Oh, that explains a lot!
Does your teacher drive too fast or too slow?
Be careful! Too fast
What is your teacher's favorite day of the week?
Did your teacher grow up with records, cassette tapes, CDs or MP3s?
Yikes! Records of course
What was your teacher's favorite toy as a child?
Do they make those anymore? Trucks and Dolls
Does your teacher eat breakfast?
I LOVE breakfast! Especially for breakfast, lunch or dinner!
What was the first movie your teacher saw in the movie theater?
101 Dalmations
Can you teacher floss?
Yes! We need proof!
Does your teacher sleep on the right side of the left side of the bed?
Don't say the wrong side of the bed!
Can your teacher cook?
When I have time
Does your teacher watch reality tv?
No way
Does your teacher floss everyday?
Their dentist knows!
Does your teacher always come to school on time?
We won't tell!
What is your teacher's favorite holiday?
Everyone loves presents! Christmas!
Can your teacher use chopsticks?
Easy peasy!
Does your teacher like cats or dogs better?
Dogs, dogs, dogs
Does your teacher have an Android or an iPhone?
Does your teacher like pizza?
Who doesn't?
Does your teacher sing in the shower?
Do-Re-Mi! Nope - I don't want to hurt anyone's ears.
Can your teacher ride a bike?
Yes, but the 3 wheeled bikes are the best
Does your teacher watch Netflix on the weekend?
Of course!
Does your teacher drink coffee every morning?
Only if it has a lot of flavor and sugar.