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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your brother sometimes eats Chinese food.
Your brother doesn't sometimes eat Chinese food. Does your brother sometimes eat Chinese food?
Do her classmates often play computer games in theirs free time?
Her classmates often play computer games in theirs free time. Her classmates don't often play computer games in theirs free time.
Ben seldom eats in a restaurant.
Ben doesn't seldom eats in a restaurant. Does Ben seldom eats in a restaurant?
They don't often go to the cinema.
They often go to the cinema. Do they often go to the cinema?
My brother does karate on Tuesdays.
My brother doesn't do karate on Tuesdays. Does my brother do karate on Tuesdays?
I live in a flat.
I don't live in a flat. Do I live in a flat?
Sue and Jill usually don't wear jeans.
Sue and Jill usually wear jeans. Do Sue and Jill usually wear jeans?
Does Miss Jones teach maths?
Miss Jones teaches maths. Miss Jones doesn't teach maths.
David doesn't always get up at 8 o'clock.
David doesn't always gets up at 8 o'clock. Does David always get up at 8 o'clock?
Paul and Mary often ride their bikes after school.
Paul and Mary don't often ride their bikes after school. Do Paul and Mary often ride their bikes after school?
Does Samantha go to school?
Samatha goes to school. Samantha doesn't go to school.
They don't live in France.
They live in France. Do they live in France?
Our dog likes biscuits.
Our dog doesn't like biscuits. Does our dog like biscuit.
Bill doesn't drive to work every day.
Bill drives to work every day. Does Bill drive to work every day?
We often play basketball on Saturdays.
We don't often play basketball on Saturdays. Do we often play basketball on Saturdays?
Does Simon like tea?
Simon likes tea. Simon doesn't like tea.