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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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_____ (he/go) to the party?
Did he go to the party?
Why _____ (you/come)?
Why did you come?
He _____ (have) a shower.
He had a shower.
What time _____ the (film/start)?
What time did the film start?
_____ (I/forget) something?
Did I forget something?
_____ ( he/call) you?
Did he call you?
He _____ (not/study) for the exam.
He didn’t study for the exam.
I _____(not/watch) TV.
I didn’t watch TV.
She _____ (read) the newspaper yesterday.
She read the newspaper yesterday.
They _____ (live) in Paris.
They lived in Paris.
_____ (she/make) good coffee?
Did she make good coffee?
We _____ (not/use) the computer last night.
We didn’t use the computer last night.
I _____ (receive) $10,000.00 when my uncle _____ (die).
I received $10,000.00 when my uncle died.
What _____ (he/give) his mother for Christmas?
What did he give his mother for Christmas?
We _____ (wake up) very late.
We woke up very late.
I _____ (not/change) trains in New York City.
I didn’t change trains in New York City.
Where _____ (you/ get off) the train?
Where did you get off the train?
What time _____ (he/get up) yesterday?
What time did he get up yesterday?
She _____ (get on) the bus in the city.
She got on the bus in the city.
I _____ (not /drink) any soda last night.
I didn’t drink any soda last night.