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Climate Change Chapters 1, 2 and 3

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Chapter 3: How much warmer are the winters in Alasa then in the 1950s?
They are 4ºC warmer than in the 1950s.
Chapter 3: When will the ice and snow finally melt in Kilimanjaro?
In the next 10 (ten years)
Chapter 3: Where can scientists find the oldest ice in the world?
Dome C in Antarctica
Chapter 3: Why are scientists so interested in studying ice cores?
Because they can measure the CO2 in the air from the time that the snow froze into ice.
Chapter 3: What did Keeling learn from measuring CO2?
Every year there is more CO2 in the atmosphere.
Chapter 3: When did Svante think the Earth would become 5ºC warmer?
In 2000 years time
Who was the first scientist to measure the effect of CO2?
Svant Arrhenius
The Gulf Stream moves heat to _______ . a) Europe b)Iceland c) the Gulf of Mexico
Carbon Dioxide stops ______ escaping from the Earth. a) oxygen b)water c)heat
Fourier began to first study the atmosphere _________ years ago. a) fifity b) a hundred c) two hundred
c) two hundred
Mars has a ______ atmosphere than the Earth. a)thicker b) thinner c) warmer
b) thinner
Our atmosphere has mostly nitrogen and _____ in it. a)oxygen b) carbon c) carbon dioxide
a) oxygen
True or False: Al Gore thinks that climate change will be dangerous.
True or False: Only some scientists think that the climate is changing.
False. All scientists.
True or False: The Day After Tomorrow shows the Climate changing slowly.
False. Quickly
True or False: A change of only 5ºC to 7ºC can begin an Ice Age.
True or False: The Earth in 2000 was 0.7ºC warmer then in 1900.
True or False: The volcano Kraktoa made the Earth 1º C warmer.
False, 1º Colder.
True or False: Every few hundred years the Earth changes its orbit.
False. Every thounsand