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* I Dare You!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I dare you to do the chicken dance for ten (10) seconds.
I dare you to do fifteen (15) jumping jacks.
I dare you to sing "Happy Birthday".
I dare you to name two (2) animals the start with "F".
Fox, Frog, Fish, Flamingo, Falcon, Ferret, Fly
I dare you to name four (4) school subjects.
English, Math, Science, P.E., Music, etc.
I dare you to name four (4) sports.
Football, Soccer, Basketball, Badminton, Tennis, etc.
I dare you to name four (4) rooms in your house.
Bedroom, Bathroom, Kitchen, Living Room, Garage, etc.
I dare you to rhyme three (3) words with "MAKE".
Take, Bake, Cake, Fake, Shake, etc.
I dare you to say six (6) colors in five (5) seconds.
I dare you to name five (5) fruits.
Too easy!
I dare you to name four (4) countries.
Any countries.
I dare you to name four (4) jobs.
I dare you to dance for ten (10) seconds.
I triple dog dare you.
I dare you to sing the "ABC" song.
I double dog dare you.
I dare you to do four (4) push-ups.
Just do it.
I dare you to spell the word.