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Picture Descriptions - Oral Exam Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You and your friend are going to plan an online party.
Discuss who is going to be responsible for: food, drinks, music, games, e-vites, place (Zoom, Google Meets, WhatsApp, Microsoft Teams, etc), time and guests.
Describe the picture.
Describe the person in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the person in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the person in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the person in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the person in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the person in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the picture.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the image.
Describe the people in the picture: eye color, hair color, clothes, body type, etc.
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can. (sliding down on a ride)
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can. (cheering for a team)
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can.
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can. (hiking)
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can. (rappelling)
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can.
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can. (rafting)
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can. (climbing)
Describe the image.
Describe the place, the objects, the people, the activity... describe everything you can.