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Beginners Islamic Studies Review Game

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do we say before we do anything?
What does every single Prophet tell his people?
That Allah (swt) is one!
We eat with our right hands. True or False?
We fast from Dhuhr to Isha in Ramadan. True or False?
False! We fast from Fajr to Maghrib.
It’s good to eat a little meal before Fajr when we fast. True or False?
Who went to this cave?
Prophet Muhammad (s)
Show us/ tell us how to make wudu!
Intention, Bismillah, Hands 3x, Mouth 3x, Nose 3x, Face 3x, Arms 3x, Head 1x, Ears 1x, Feet 3x
Haajar, Ibrahim (as)'s wife, walked between two small hills hoping to find water. Now, people walk between them when they go to Hajj. These hills are called...
Safa & Marwa
What are the 5 daily prayers?
Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha
Who is the first prophet?
Adam (as)
Which one of the 5 pillars of Islam tells us that we need to make a journey once in our lifetime to Makkah & Medina?
Which one of the five pillars of Islam tells us that we need to give money to the poor?
Sawm, or fasting, happens during which Islamic month?
How many times do we pray in a day?
5 times
The Shahadah (our first pillar of Islam) is when we say & believe...
To believe there is no God but Allah, and that Muhammadﷺ  is Allah’s Messenger
When we see something amazing, like this lake, what do we say?
Subhan Allah
How many names does Allah (swt) have?
99 names!
Our holy book is...
The Quran
Our last prophet is...
Muhammad (s)
Our God is...
What is our religion?
What is Jannah?
Jannah is a very beautiful place! Listening to Allah & doing good deeds all lead to Jannah In Jannah, Allah will give you everything you want!
Prophet Isa’s mother's name is: Asiya, Maryam, Jane, or, Samaa?