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Cleopatra Review

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How did Cleopatra die?
Nobody knows.
When did Cleopatra die?
August in 30 BC
In 31 BC, who won the battle of Actium?
Octavian and the Romans.
Why did Octavian try to turn people against Marc Anthony?
To get more power for himself.
How did Cleopatra help Marc Anthony in 37 BC?
By giving him ships, soldiers and money for war.
How many years after the pyramids were built, was Cleopatra born?
2,000 years.
Why did Marc Anthony marry Octavian's sister?
To make Octavian happy and avoid war.
Did Marc Anthony help his friends and family start a war with Octavian in 41 BC?
No, he did not.
When and where did Cleopatra and Marc Anthony meet?
In Tarsus, Turkey in 41 BC
After Caesar died, who became the rulers of the Roman empire?
Octavian and Marc Anthony.
How did Caesar die?
The senate turned against him and murdered him.
In 46 BC Cleopatra went to Rome, why did the people there not like her?
She was a queen from another country and they thought she would take over.
How did Cleopatra announce she was queen again?
By sailing down the Nile with Caesar.
Who won the war between Caesar and Ptolemy XIII?
Who helped Cleopatra get her throne back?
Julius Caesar.
Where did Cleopatra go when she had to leave Egypt?
When did Cleopatra's father die?
51 BC
What education did boys get in Cleopatra's time?
They studied for their careers, usually doing the same work as their father.
When did the Nile flood in Cleopatra's time?
During the rainy season from July to October.
What was the best way to travel in Cleopatra's time?
By barge on the river Nile
What subjects did Cleopatra study?
History, science, medicine and math. Plus languages.
What is shown in red here?
The Roman Empire in 44 B.C.
What is this?
A coin showing Cleopatra.
What actress played Cleopatra in 1963?
Elizabeth Taylor