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Building a Park in the Sky

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is this snowy park?
Hokkaido, Japan
Where can you find these giant trees?
Redwood National Park, California
What's the name of this famous mountain?
Where is this water falls?
In Guyana.
Where can you see the Sumatran orangutan?
On the island of Sumatra.
Where can you see wild Lions in Asia?
Kuno Wildlife Sanctuary, India.
What can you see at this park?
Famous giant sculptures.
What is this park called?
The Grand Canyon National Park
Where can you go on a safari in South Africa?
Kruger National Park
In which park can you find the one pillar pagoda?
Hanoi: Thu Duc - Nam Thien Nhat Tru
What is this park famous for?
Niagara Falls
What is the name of this park in HCMC?
Tao Dan Park
Where is this park?
Tokyo, Japan
What is the largest park in New York City?
Central Park
What did this park replace?
An old railroad bridge?
Where is the High Line Park located?
New York City