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Have - Has Got

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Presley and I _______ an English lesson now.
have got
has got
Bethany and Elsa ______glasses.
have got
has got
Jake _______ earphones.
has got
have got
Jasmine ______ a cup of tea.
has got
have got
Steve and I ______ an ice cream.
have got
has got
Fiona and Matthew _______ colourful shoes.
have got
has got
The magazine _______ many pages.
has got
have got
Cinderella ______ a beatiful dress.
has got
have got
Archie _______ long legs.
has got
have got
We ______ a lot of toys.
have got
has got
It ________ sharp teeth.
has got
have got
She _____ a car.
has got
have got
He _______ brown hair.
has got
have got
You _______ a skateboard.
have got
has got
I _______ a lot of books.
have got
has got
It ________ long ears.
has got
have got
She _______ pink sunglasses.
has got
have got
He ______ wings.
has got
have got
We ______ a present.
have got
has got
They ______ beaks.
have got
has got
It ________ a round nose.
has got
have got
She _______ blonde hair.
has got
have got
He _______ a blue backpack.
has got
have got
You _______ a dog.
have got
has got
I __________ a new sweater.
have got
has got
We _________ two ears.
have got
has got
They _______ feathers.
have got
has got
She _________ short hair.
has got
have got
You ________ long hair.
have got
has got
It_________ green eyes.
has got
have got
I _________ blue eyes.
have got
has got