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5 Second Rule

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 things that are soft
sponge, pillow, cushion, cotton, teddy bear, cheese, silk, hair, sponge cake
Name 3 things that are blue
the sky, sea, water, blueberries, blue jay (gaita albastra), sapphires, Earth, blue jeans
Name 3 things that are green
Student's own answer
Name 3 farm animals
Student's own answer
Name 3 things that smell good
perfume, flowers, roses, lilies, fresh bread or cookies
Name 3 things that are sticky
asphalt, booger/snot (nose mucus), candyfloss (AE: cotton candy), chewing gum, duct tape, gel, glue, syrup, honey, jam, jelly, peanut butter, toffee, stickers
Name 3 famous people
Student's own answer
Name 3 states
Student's own answer
Name 3 school subjects
Student's own answer
Name 3 foods you don't like
Student's own answer
Name 3 flavors of ice cream
vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel, coconut, mango, pistachio, strawberry, watermelon, bubble gum..., oreo
Name 3 things you see outside
Student's own answer
Name 3 scary animals
Student's own answer
Name 3 things you do after school
Student's own answer
Name 3 things you do in the morning
Student's own answer
Name 3 reasons to miss school
illness, tournament, holiday, feeling sick, family matter
Name 3 things in your bedroom
Student's own answer
Name 3 things that swim
Student's own answer
Name 3 animals with 4 legs
Student's own answer
Name 3 countries
Student's own answer
Name 3 things at the beach
Student's own answer
Name 3 hairy things
Student's own answer
Name 3 things to do at/on the weekend
Student's own answer
Name 3 vehicles
Car, truck, bus, train, motorbike, bicycle, boat, airplane, spacecraft, ambulance
Name 3 sounds
Student's own answer
Name 3 things you see in the sky
Stars, sun, moon, rainbow, clouds
Name 3 things you wear
Student's own answer
Name 3 animals you would like as a pet
Student's own answer
Name 3 things you eat on toast
Student's own answer
Name 3 things that can fit under the bed
Student's own answer
Name 3 reptiles
snake, crocodile, lizard, turtle, iguana...
Name 3 pizza toppings
Pepperoni (spicy salami), Mushroom, Extra cheese, Sausage, Onion, Black olives, Green pepper Fresh garlic Tomato
Name 3 months of the year
Student's own answer