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Past Tenses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We ____________(walk) in the park when the storm ____________(break).
were walking, broke
He _____________(sit) on the train at this time yesterday morning.
was sitting
We ______________(watch) a film when our guests _______________(arrive).
were watching, arrived
Liz _____________(go) to Paris for her holidays last year.
I ___________________(eat) the breakfast by the time the others ____________(wake) up.
had eaten, woke
Sue _________________(smile) as she ________________(read) Mary's letter.
was smiling, was reading
She ____________(write) a letter to her sister last night.
Pam _________________(open) the present and _____________(read) the card.
opened, read
The little boy ______________(cry) because he __________(lose) his mum.
was crying, had lost
I ______________(watch) televison when the telephone ____________(ring).
was watching, rang
They ________________(not visit) their grandparents for a long time.
hadn't visited
Brian _____________(learn) how to spell his name at school today .
I ________________(walk) home when I ___________(see) Paul.
was walking, saw
Andy was relieved to hear that he __________________(pass) his exam.
had passed
I saw Jim this morning. He __________________(run) for the bus.
was running