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Insects on the menu (1-3)

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Apart from insects, please name one weird food that some people eat.
Dog, crocodile, frog leg, kangaroo, turtle soup, cat, etc.
According to the picture, how does the girl think about insect eating?
She is positive about insect eating and she is happy to try it.
Why some people are not afraid to eat insects?
Because they are brought up in places with the culture that eating insects is normal.
What do people usually see insects as?
Invaders or disgusting creatures.
Why are deep-fried crickets or grasshoppers considered a perfect snack for some?
Because they are crunchy and taste like corn chips.
Name and spell 3 types of insects that are edible.
Crickets, cockroaches, worms, grasshoppers, grubs, caterpillars, maggot, larva, water bugs. worms.
Why can we say that grubs are nutritious?
Because they are brimmed with proteins, vitamins and minerals.
Why do some people argue that insects will be future food?
Because it is environmentally-sound, nutritious and delicious.
How do the majority in the West think about insect eating?
Where can we find insect eating as a kind of healthy diets?
In Africa, Asia, Australia and Latin Africa.