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Dogs Vs Cats

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What word means to change or develop naturally over long periods of time?
What is the name of a group of meat-eating mammals that includes cats, lions, tiger, lynx and cheetah.
What is a carnivore?
An animal that eats other animals.
What breed of dog is this?
A Yorkshire Terrier.
What breed of cat is this?
A Persian cat.
Are cats or dogs more social?
Dogs love to spend time with other dogs.
How far do the sled dogs run in the famous Iditarod race?
1,110 miles.
Do cats or dogs sleep more?
Cats sleep about 18 hours a day.
What is the name of the tallest dog in the world?
George the great dane.
How big a deer can a tiger take down with one bite?
A 600 pound deer.
How much meat can a wolf eat in one sitting?
20 pounds of meat.
What sound does a dog make when it is bored, excited or looking for other dogs?
A bark.
What sound does a dog make when it is alone or hungry?
A whine.
What sound does a cat make to protect themselves?
A hiss.
What sound does a cat make that means 'stay away'?
A growl.
What does a frightened dog do to appear smaller?
Tucks its ears down and hunches its back.
Are cats or dogs better at communicating with their tail?
Dogs have more ways of communicating with their tail.
In a cat, what does it mean when their tail is straight up?
They are excited to see you.
In a cat, what does it mean when they sweep their tail from side to side?
They are excited or aggressive.
In a cat, what does a twitchy tail mean?
The cat is ready to pounce.
In the wild, what non-meat things do dogs and wolves eat?
Grass and fruit.
Do cats or dogs need more protein?
Cats need five times more protein.
What kind of small animals can a cat hunt and catch?
Birds, lizards or mice.
How many hertz can a cat sense?
60,000 hertz
How many hertz can a dog sense?
40,000 hertz
How many scent cells do dogs have?
They have 220 million scent cells.
How many scent cells do cats have?
They have 110 million scent cells (half the number of dogs).
What relative of the cat is this?
It is a lynx.
What relative of the cat is this?
It is a puma.
What relative of the dog is this?
It is a jackal.
What relative of the dog is this?
It is a coyote.
What relative of the dog is this?
It is a wolf.