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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who's looking for Pear in Paris?
Nell (Pg 15)
Why a student said that bringing back prehistoric creatures would be a problem? Besides, it being dangerous.
Need to recreate an entire ecosystem and food chain to sustain it. (Pg 5)
Which word on Pg 14 & 15 has the same meaning as adapt for a different.
What material is the Flipflopi made of?
recycled plastic (Pg 14)
According to an article, subtle racism happens through the use of _____________.
words / language / the way you speak / compliments (Pg 11)
According to an article, what food source can be more nutritious that meat.
locusts (Pg 8)
DEFCON is a conference for ___________________.
hacker and cybersecurity (Pg 7)
Which event in the world sees comic book enthusiasts from around the world gathering together?
Comic-Con (Pg 7)
People in the US walked around with ____________ to protest.
placards (Pg 6)
What is the meaning of privatisation?
activities once done by the government are transferred to businesses (Pg 9)
Who is the founder of Space X?
Elon Musk
What is the huge reason for the size of the locust swarms this year?
climate change (Pg 8)
The opposite of solitary is ______________.
gregarious (Pg 8)
When we use the term Colonial - we are referring to which country?
Britain (Pg 10)
In which country is The Burj Khalifa located?
Dubai (Pg 10)
The All Blacks won _______% of all the games they have played over 117 years.
75 (Pg 17)
Which team considers humility an important attribute of all players?
The All Blacks (Pg 17)
Who is a clairvoyant?
A person who is prophetic (Pg 16)
Stop being so pedantic! What is the meaning of pedantic?
paying too much attention to small details (Pg 19)
Whose name was mispronounced in a radio competition?
Hadley (Pg 19)
Who is Tan Ying Ying?
Linguistic expert (Pg 19)
What is a brouhaha?
noisy reactions to something upsetting (Pg 19)
There are many techniques used to ascend a mountain. What is another word for "many"
myriad (Pg 20)
When climbers reach the peak, they feel a sense of ________________.
euphoria (Pg 20)
What's the purpose of a belay?
Introduce friction to the rope system (Pg 21)
Who is really interested in the entertainment industry? Especially the music industry.
Joyce Yin (Pg 22)