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South Africa Trivia

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Which five animals make up the 'Big 5 of South Africa'?
Lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants and buffalos
Durban, the busiest port in South Africa, is on which ocean?
Indian Ocean
Which township, in the city of Johannesburg, did both Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela once live on the same street?
South Africa accounts for 80% of the world's production of which precious metal?
President Nelson Mandela was imprisoned on which island for 18 years?
Robben Island
What are the capital cities of South Africa?
Pretoria, Cape Town, Bloemfontein
How many colours does the South African flag have?
6 colours
How many provinces does South Africa?
9 provinces
What is South Africa's national animal?
The Springbok
Which is the longest river in South Africa?
The Orange River
Which is the largest city in South Africa?
What is the currency of South Africa?
South African Rand (ZAR)
How many official languages does South Africa have?
11 official languages