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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's happening in the photo?
The plane is taking off.
The flight attendants are giving _________ __________ .
safety instructions
What's happening in the photo?
The plane is landing.
What is it? What is it for?
Baggage cart/Trolley. To carry  luggage.
Who are they? What are their jobs?
They are the flight crew, including pilots and cabin crew.
Where is she standing at? What is she doing?
She is standing at the baggage claim to get her luggages.
When the flight is late, you say the flight is .........
What can you see in this picture?
destination and flight number
Who are these people in the picture?
These people are walking through a .............
What is her job?
She is a flight attendant
Where is this man sitting?
aisle seat
Where is the woman in the pink shirt sitting?
middle seat
To check how heavy your bag/suitcase is you have to put it on the...
What kind of baggage/luggage is this?
Checked baggage
What kind of baggage/luggage is this?
carry-on baggage/ cabin luggage/ hand carry baggage
Before you can board your flight you have to go through...
security checkpoint
You need this document to board a flight. What is it?
It's a boarding pass.
What type of seat is it?
It's a window seat
Where are these people standing at?
You buy it to book a seat in the plane. You can buy it online
Flight ticket
The document certifies your identity and nationality, you need it to travel to different countries