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Identify nouns in sentences

Use commas to add multiple tags

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Identify nouns: One of the paintings that they liked was on the platform.
paintings - platform
Identify nouns: She saw an original painting by Monet.
painting - Monet
Identify nouns: Eager to find the paintings, Jillian walked quickly to the far side of the building.
paintings - Jillian - side - building
identify nouns: She knew that she would never have enough money to buy it.
identify nouns: Toyota is having a car sale tomorrow.
Toyota - car sale
Identify nouns: We are responsible for our own happiness.
Identify the nouns: Paris is the hub of making cheese.
Paris - hub - cheese
Identify nouns: Beijing is the highest polluted city in the world.
Beijing - city - world
Identify nouns: There is pin-drop silence in the class.
silenence - class
Identify nouns: Paris is a beautiful destination.
Paris - destination
Identify nouns: Sadhna is listening to Rahman’s music.
Sadhna - Rahman’s - music
Identify nouns: The auction lasted for hours.
auction - hours
identify nouns: The father teaches the child in the night.
father - child - night
Identify nouns: The milkman delivers milk to us daily,
milkman - milk
Identify nouns: Katrina is a beautiful actor.
Katrina - actoor
Identify nouns: Life for a queen is luxurious.
life - queen
Identify nouns: He likes the villain of the movie.
villain - movie
Identify nouns: Anna likes the hero of the movie.
Anna - hero - movie
identify nouns: The apples he bought were very raw.
Identify nouns: Water is a very precious mineral.
Water - metal
Identify nouns: Mankind should love nature.
Mankind - nature
Identify nouns: We get wool from sheep.
wool - sheep
Identify nouns: Gold is a precious metal.
Gold - metal
Identify nouns: Wild animals live in forests.
animals - forests
Identify nouns: They have gone to the zoo to see the black bear.
zoo - bear
Identify nouns: The man was trying to steal a horse with a cart full of apples.
man - horse - cart - apples
Identify nouns: We counted only six different colours in the rainbow.
colours - (the) rainbow
Identify nouns: They arrived early but at the wrong station.
(the) station