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Vocabualry 1

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20.- Implant-My uncle has an implant in his tooth-Noun
Implants are small
19.- Humanoid-I have a humanoid-Adjective
The homanoid is expensive
18.- Computarized-Stadium lights are controlled by computarized-Adjective
The sound of the theatre is controlled by computarized
17.- Automated-My car is automated-Adjective
Automated cars are more comfortable
16.- Assembly line-My company has assembly line-Noun
McDonald's has a great assembly line.
15.- Artificial intelligence-The computer is a artificial intelligence-Noun
The cell phone is a artificial intelligence
14.- Analyze-I have to analyze what I am going to buy-Verb
My mom analyzes a lot to know what she's going to cook
13.- Algorithm-The algorithm is used to make mathematical equations-Noun
The algorithm is difficult
12.- World-changing-The new iphone 13 pro max caused world-changing-adjective
The xbox caused world-changing
11.- Three-dimensional-Three-dimensional things make me dizzy-Adjective
Three-dimensional things require effort and dedication
10.- Self-sufficient-My teacher is self-sufficient-Adjective
Students are self-sufficent
9.- Self-driving-there are cars that self-driving-Adjective
Cars that are self-driving are expensive
8.-Remote-controlled-I have a remote-controlled-Adjective
The remote-control is used to change the channels
7.- Mass-produced-However, this alloy has not yet been mass-produced-Adjective
I have a mass produced
6.- Human-like-The gorrila is human-like-Adjective
The robot is human like.
5.- High-rise-There are few high-rise buildings in the city-Adjective
On the whole, life in the high-rise was good.
4.- Forward-thinking-These kind of forward-thinking programs are an important step-Adjective
That's so innovative and forward-thinking.
3.- Decision-making-He's good at decision-making-Adjective
Shortening the decision-making process would provide one solution.
2.- Cutting-edge-This shipyard is at the cutting edge of world shipbuilding technology-Adjective
What we are planning is cutting-edge technology never seen in Australia before.
1.- Computer-controlled-The process is computer-controlled, protecting furniture from damage-Adjective
The whole thing is computer-controlled - humans seldom visit.