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Elton John and the present perfect

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Queen Elizabeth II_________( make) John a Commander of the Order of the British Empire
has made
have made
has make
have make
He_______________ ( become) one of the 20th century's biggest music icons.
has become
has been become
has became
Elton John __________ ( sing) in Lady Diana´s funeral
has sung
Elton John ______ (move) millions of people with his music.
Elton John has moved millions of people with his music.
Elton John ______ (compose) for the musical Devil Wears Prada.
Elton John has composed for the musical Devil Wears Prada.
He ______ (record) songs with many different artists.
He has recorded songs with many different artists.
Elton John ______ (write) over 400 songs.
Elton John has written over 400 songs.
He ______ (colaborate) with lyricist Bernie Taupin ______ 1967.
He has collaborated with lyricist Bernie Taupin since 1967.
He ______ (work) as an artist ______ 1962.
has worked / since
has been worked / since
has working / since
has done working / since
He ______ (be) married three times.
He has been married three times.
Elton John ______ alive ______ 75 years.
has been / for
has been / since
has gone / since
has gone / for