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Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Words that start with W
Things people normally lie about
Reasons to cry
Dangerous animals
Superhero/ Avenger (Marvel, DC, whatever)
Fried foods
Reasons to Go to the Principal's Office
Things You Study in History
Things You Do While Watching TV
Things Sold in Commercials
Food at a Carnival or Fair
Animals That Fly
Four-Legged Animals
People Who Do Dangerous Jobs
Words with double letters
Things to do at a party
Reasons to study
Excuses for not doing your homework
After-school activities
People you talk to often
Electronic gadgets
Healthy food
Things found at a wedding
Five-letter words
Things that have wheels
Red foods or drinks
Things that are square
Things you can't live without
Green foods or drinks
Words related to weather
Animals you can't keep as a pet
Things at the beach
School supplies
Things in a park
Ice cream flavors
Places you would never live at
Things related to your birthday
Words associated with Christmas
Words associated with summer
Words associated with winter
Things you do every day
Places you spend money
Things found at school
Things found in the classroom
Things that are round
Things found in a school bag
Things you can wear
Things found in a desk
Things you find in supermarkets
Things made of paper
Things made of metal
Three-letter words
Personality traits
Things at a soccer stadium
Things you collect
Things in the ocean
Breakfast foods
Things that are cold
Things people are afraid of
Things in the sky
Things you take on holiday
Things with a tail
Farm animals
Things found in the fridge
Four-letter words
Things made of plastic
Things found on a farm
Villains or Monsters
Things that float
Things that fly
Parts of the body
Leisure activities
Reptiles and Amphibians
Bad habits
Famous Landmarks
Modes of transportation
Excuses for being late
School subjects
Things that you read