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Stranger Things Cast's Routines

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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not live / in Hawkins / Vecna
Vecna doesn't live in Hawkins.
they / normal lives / not have
They don't have normal lives.
Will / not change / his haircut
Will doesn't change his haircut.
friends / She / not have / in California
She doesn't have friends in California.
not win / Eleven / always
Eleven doesn't always win.
superpowers / they / not have
They don't have superpowers.
not play / they / basketball
They don't play basketball.
love / we / Stranger Things <3
We love Stranger Things <3
Eddie / play / sometimes / the guitar
Eddie sometimes plays the guitar.
usually / Will / bike / ride / his
Will usually rides his bike.
never / Eddie / do / homework / his
Eddie never does his homework.
like / Eleven / waffles
She likes waffles.
show / code read / always / problems
Code red always shows problems.
usually / she / superpowers / have
She usually has superpowers.
often / play / they / dungeons and dragons
They often play dungeons and dragons.
friends / Max and Eleven / best / be
Max and Eleven are best friends.
fight / they / always / monsters / with
They always fight with monsters