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Ancient treasure UNIT 4- Teens 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it?
What is it?
a ring
What is it?
a statue
What is it?
a skull
Say the date: 16th century
sixteenth century
Say the date: 21st May 1996
the twenty first of May, nineteen ninety-six
Say the date: 1985
nineteen eighty-five
Say the date: 2nd January 2010
The second of January, two thousand and ten or twenty ten.
Choose: I wasn’t waiting / didn’t wait at the bus stop when it rained. I was at home.
wasn't waiting
Complete: You__________ as a waiter when I________ you. (work, meet)
You WERE WORKING as a waiter when I MET you.
Complete: I ______ Tom while he ________ computer games (call, play)
I CALLED Tom while he WAS PLAYING computer games.
Make a question: What __________(you/do) when I called you last night?
What WERE YOU DOING when I called you last night?
Choose: We were watching / watched a good film when Dad came home.
were watching
Choose: My phone was ringing / rang while we were doing our test.
Choose: We were listening to music when somebody was knocking / knocked at the door.
Complete: My brother_________ home from work when he_____ an accident on the road.(drive, see)
My brother WAS DRIVING home from work when he SAW an accident on the road.
Complete: I __________TV when my best friend _______.(watch/call)
I WAS WATCHING TV when my best friend CALLED.
Make a question: What ______________(they/do) at 10pm last night? it was really noisy.
What WERE THEY DOING at 10 pm. last night? It was really noisy.
Correct the mistake: My mum read a book when I came home.
My mum WAS READING a book when I came home.
Correct the mistake: I was drive my car when the accident happened
I was DRIVING my car when the accident happened