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What Should You Do?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you do when mum drops you off at your classroom?
Say bye, see you later mummy.
What should you do when you are feeling bit nervous and your heart is beating very fast?
You can speak to your teacher and say, Im feeling bit nervous and scared, can you help me?
What should you do when you are getting upset because you want something at school?
Tell the teacher, Im feeling upset, is there something we can do?
What should you do, when you are about to feel angry?
Let the teacher know, that you are feeling bit hot and heated and you need somewhere to calm down.
If you dont feel well, what should you do?
Let the teacher know you dont feel good and you want to take a break or go home
When you and your friend both wants to play the same thing, what should you do?
Ask if you can have a turn after, if they dont want to share, let the teacher know and find something else to play.
When things get hard, what should you do?
Ask the teacher for help
The turtle accidentally flipped himself over and kept spinning, what should he do?
He should ask someone to help him to stop spinning and flip him over.
Soap got in her eye and she cant see. What should she do?
Ask someone to help her to wipe it/ on the tap
The man dropped his ice cream but he still wants more. What should he do?
Buy a new one
You are in the library and someone was trying to reach for a book but couldn't not reach because she was too short. What should you do?
Help the girl to take the book if you are tall enough or ask the librarian to help.
You put your hand up to answer the question but the teacher did not choose you. What would you do?
Put your hand down and maybe you might get the next turn.
You are working with a group but that's not the group you want to be in?
Just stay with the group and maybe next time you will be able to get the group you want to be in
Another classmate is try to cut the line and it's bothering you. What should you do.
Ask them politely to move back a little, never push!
Your best friend forgot his lunch today and is very upset. What should you do?
If it is allowed, you could share some of yours. If not, you can help him to ask a teacher or staff for help.
An older kid is bullying a boy in your class. What do you do?
Tell a teacher what is going on.
You are playing a game at recess and the other kid wins, what should you do?
Congratulate him/her and say nice game!
Your friend lost in a game and shouted at the other team. What should you do?
Tell your friend it's okay. We will practice and do better next time
You are on a field trip and are sitting next to someone you don't know very well. What should you do?
Ask questions that help you to get to know them. What do you like to do for fun, do you have any brothers or sisters...
You want to play soccer with some kids at recess. How can you let them know you are interested?
Ask them, can I join in and play with you?
A little girl tripped over a rock, fell down and cried. What should you do?
Go up to her and ask are you okay? Do you need help getting up?
You are playing basketball with your team. You feel like you are the best player on the team. Should you shoot every time you get the ball instead of passing it?
No, your teammates will think you are a ball hog and not want to play with you!
Your class is in the library at school and the librarian is reading a story you have already read. What should you do?
Sit quietly listening, do not tell others what will happen!
Class is about to start and your friends are still talking, What should you do?
Tell them to keep quiet and talk later.
You invite a classmate over to play and you really want to play your new game. When he/she gets there what should you do?
Ask your friend what they would like to play, they are the guest!
It is quiet reading time. You notice some kids are passing notes to each other, what should you do?
Tell the teacher.
You are making noises while you are working in class. Kids are asking you to stop, What should you do?
STOP, you are making it hard for others to focus on their work!