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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You walk with THEM.
Tú caminas con ELLOS.
They read ME the book.
Ellos me leen a MI el libro.
I ask YOU a question.
Yo te hago a TI una pregunta.
He ignores HER.
El la ignora a ELLA.
She ignores HIM.
Ella lo ignora a EL.
We call them.
Nosotros los llamamos a ellos.
They invite YOU.
Ellos te invitan a TI.
You hug HER.
Tú la abrazas A ELLA.
El perro te muerde A TI.
The dog bites YOU.
Te vi A TI ayer.
I saw YOU yesterday.
El profesor me escribe A MI.
The teacher writes ME.
Ustedes los miran a ELLOS.
You watch THEM.
Ellos ME compran comida.
They buy ME food.
Nosotros le contamos A ÉL un chiste.
We tell HIM a joke.
Tú le dices a ella la verdad.
You tell HER the truth.
Yo te leo un cuento.
I read YOU a story.