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Family Vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What fur color has it got?
It has got brown fur.
What fur color has it got?
It has got grey fur.
What has he got above his lips?
He has got a mustache.
What has she got?
She has got glasses.
What has he got on his head?
He has got a cap.
What color of hair has she got?
She has got blonde hair.
What color of hair have they got?
They have got grey hair.
What color of hair have they got?
They have got brown hair.
What have they got?
They have got blue hair.
What is this? This is my  _____.
This is my pet. / This is my dog
What is this? This is my _____.
This is my pet. / This is my cat
Who is this in my family?
This is a baby. / Baby brother / Baby sister
Who is this in my family?
This is the daughter. / My sister
Who is this in my family?
This is the son. / My brother.
Who is thisin my family?
This is my grandpa.
Who is this in my family?
This is my grandma.
Who are they in my family? They are my parents' parents.
They are my grandparents.
Who are they in my family? I'm their son/daughter.
They are my parents.
Who are they? They are girls and they are my ________/
They are my sisters.
Who are they? They are boys and they are my _______.
They are my brothers.