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What is Harder?

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Going out to dinner or going to a movie
How much time do you think each will take?
Asking someone on an individual date or group date
Studying for a test by rereading your notes or making flash cards
Does the harder one work better for you? Why or Why not?
Going to the grocery store with a list or using your memory
What are benefits and drawbacks of each.
Asking for help on an assignment or googling the answer
How much time do you think each will take? Why is it better to ask for help?
Learning to play an instrument or learning to play football
How much time do you think each will take?
Making a cake or making lunch
How much time do you think each will take?
Confronting a friend or a parent
Why is it easier?
Reading a book or watching the movie.
How much time do you think each will take?
Making a present for someone or buying one
How much time do you think each will take?
Making a power point or writing a report.
How much time do you think each will take?
Staying up late to finish homework or get up early
How much time do you think each will take?
Making a Dr. appointment or ordering a pizza
How much time do you think each will take?
Making a phone call or texting
How much time do you think each will take?
Distance learning or in school learning
Do you spend more time learning at home than when at school?
Sorting laundry or folding clothes
How much time do you think each will take?
Making the bed or changing sheets
How much time do you think each will take?
Setting the table or putting away food.
How much time do you think each will take?
Running a mile or biking 3 miles
How much time do you think each will take?
Making dinner or cleaning up after
How much time do you think each will take?
Taking notes from a lecture or taking notes from a video
How much time do you think each will take?
Washing dishes or vacuuming the floor?
How much time do you think each will take?
Writing a 2 page story or reading a chapter in a book.
How much time do you think each will take?
Math test or 30 math homework problems
How much time do you think each will take?