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Continents & Oceans

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where in the world is Washington, D.C.?
North America
What ocean comes between North America and Europe?
Atlantic Ocean
What body of water separates Africa from Australia?
Indian Ocean
I'm in China and want to visit a place where penguins live in the wild. In what direction would I need to travel?
If you sailed a ship from Australia in the direction of west, what would be the first continent you come to?
Identify the continent in purple.
What is the shaded continent on the map?
North America
This continent is home to Greece and Rome.
What number on the map identifies South America?
Number 4 on the map is known as ________.
What land mass is labeled 3?
What body of land is labeled 7?
This ocean is located around the North Pole. What is it?
Arctic Ocean
What ocean is south of the Pacific, the Atlantic, and the Indian Oceans?
Southern Ocean
What ocean is west of the America's and east of Asia?
Pacific Ocean
Which ocean is south of Asia?
Indian Ocean
On which continent would you find penguins in the wild?
Where in the world is China?
On which continent would you find Virginia?
North America
What is a large body of land on Earth called?
What is the solid surface of the Earth called?
What ocean would you cross if you traveled east from Virginia to Europe?
Atlantic Ocean
Which ocean is the largest?
Pacific Ocean
What two continents make up EURASIA?
Europe and Asia
This continent is known as _______.
South America
What is the name of this continent?
If you were in South Africa and decided to travel west, what continent would you get to first?
South America
What continent is located in the southern most part of the world?
What is the smallest of the seven continents?
What is the largest of the seven continents?
How many continents are there?
This continent is called ______.
Identify this continent.
North America
What is the name of this continent?