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Discussing grammar.

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I am going to make a success of my life. You ____________. 'll see / 'll have seen
'll see
You ________ enough of me by the end of this vacation. 'll see / 'll have seen
'll have seen
I ____________ Johnny this afternoon, so I'll tell him the news. 'll see / 'll be seeing
'll be seeing
I___________________you outside movie theater at 8:00. 'll see / 'll be seeing
'll see
The bus ___________ at 9:00, so don't be late. leaves / is leaving
The bus ___________ at 9:00, so don't be late. leaves / is leaving
John! Peter ________now. Come and say goodbye. leaves / is leaving
is leaving
I ___________ a presentation at 3:00 this afternoon. I am scared stiff. 'm giving / 'm going to give
'm giving
I've had enough of her attitude. I ___________________ her a good talking to. 'm giving / 'm going to give
'm going to give
What _________________this evening? are you doing / are you going to do
are you doing
Your first-quarter grades is terrible. What ________________about them? are you doing / are you going to do
are you going to do
I______________with you whether you like or not. 'll come / 'm coming
'm coming
I__________________with you if you like. 'll come / 'm coming
'll come
I'm sure you will pass your exams, but what _________if you don't? are you going to do / will you do
will you do
So, you're off to India for a year! What _________________there? are you going to do / will you do
are you going to do
So, you're off to India for a year! What _________________there? are you going to do / will you do
are you going to do
I don't know if I have time to come this evening.I__________________. 'll see / 'm going to see.
'll see.
I'm very excited. I ______________all of my family this weekend. 'll see / 'm going to see.
'm going to see.