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What Happened?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happened?
He SHUT the door
What happened?
She WROTE her name.
What happened?
She THREW her smartphone.
What happened?
They SHOOK hands
What happened?
He HURT his knee. He FELL down.
What happened?
They BOUGHT some stuff?
What happened?
He BENT the golf club.
What happened?
The chair SANK in the water.
What happened?
She TOOK a picture.
What happened?
He GAVE her the flower.
What happened?
He DREW a picture.
What happened?
He WON the race.
What happened?
She MADE a cake.
What happened?
The mushroom GREW.
What happened?
The dog RODE a bike.
What happened?
He SAT down.
What did the duck do?
The duck BIT his nose.
What happened?
She THREW the cake at the man.
What happened?
He DROVE the car.
What happened?
They FLEW a kite.
What happened?
He BLEW the bubbles.
What happened?
He CAUGHT the ball.
what happened?
He ATE the burgers.
What happened?
He FELL down.