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Short Term & Long Term Goals

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or False: It's a waste of time to have a goal if I have no idea how to get it.
False. The first step in achieving any goal is to research it and learn more about what it takes to get there.
True or False: We should always agree with other people's goals for us, because they probably know what's best.
False. Although you can learn from other people's opinions, you should also believe in yourself and work toward goals that are a fit for your skills and talent
True or False: Most famous people  got where they are on their first try.
False. Many famous people failed at least once before achieving their goals.
True or False: Even though my long term goals might be years away, I can take action steps today towards reaching them.
True. There are many things you can do TODAY to start moving toward a long term goal. Research, changing bad habits, and practicing skills are all examples.
True or False: Once I set a career goal, I need to stick to it forever.
False. It's common to change some of our goals. That's a healthy sign of changing and growing.
True or False: If you fail at achieving a goal, that's an indication that you probably need to pursue something else.
False. You many need to try multiple times in multiple ways to achieve a goal.
True or False: I need to plan my time well in order to reach my goals.
Yes. Every day you can make some progress toward your goals. So it's important to be mindful of how you spend your time.
True or False. Sometimes our goals are unrealistic and we might need to fine-tune them.
True. But fine-tuning or changing a goal isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a natural part of becoming an adult.
Can you take a "Time Out" from achieving a goal?
Yes. Sometimes we have to stop and re-evaluate our goals and how we plan to reach them. Can you think of an example?
True or False. Sometimes we're not successful the first time we try to achieve our goals, and we must try again.
True or False: There's no time limit on goals that I want to achieve.
False. Goals must have some type of timeline. Even if it is a loose timeline (e.g.: "I want to have a career before I have a family.").
Short Term or Long Term Goal: Working in my chosen CAREER.
Long Term
Short Term or Long Term Goal: Learning about a new hobby
Short Term
Short Term or Long Term Goals: Getting a part time job
Short Term
Short Term or Long Term Goal: Graduating Trade School or College
Long Term
Short Term or Long Term Goal: Saving money for a new pair of shoes.
Short Term